Personal Health Care And Common Cold Remedies

Have you heard of wheatgrass juices? Don't feel bad, most people haven't, but juicing wheatgrass can be a key part of a healthy drink. You can add it to any combination of vegetables you're juicing and the benefits are legion; vitamins, minerals, amino acids and those enzymes which help with digestive problems. Wheatgrass juices are also used as a preventative as it detoxifies the body, increases blood flow and is an excellent all-round addition to any diet. It also helps to alkalize and oxygenate the blood, boost the immune system and assists in regulating the thyroid.

You can find wheatgrass in many forms. It can be purchased in either a tablet form or a powder. Many health stores will also sell freshly cut wheatgrass that you can use at home; and you can also get it in a juiced or a frozen form. Wheatgrass is very popular in most health stores and you can make a lot of delicious recipes as well. You can also combine other fruits and vegetables with wheatgrass to come up with your own healthy combinations that you can serve to the whole family. You can add honey to your juice for a somewhat sweeter taste, or you can add garlic and ginger to soften the taste. Dandelion and alfalfa are also popular choices to add to WheatGrass Powder.

Potassium salts are easy to find in most plants. The sodium salts are a little harder to find, and many people are deficient in them. Celery is high in sodium electrolyte minerals, and this is why I recommend celery as the foundation of juices.

Of course, if you have a garden, then you can just plant the wheatgrass in the soil. It's best to soak the seeds, drain and rinse. Set the seeds in the sun to dry. Repeat this several times. What you want is to have a pre sprout before planting.

They help you and your body cleanse in a number of ways. They are important for healthy brain function, hormonal balance, and healthy skin and hair. They also stimulate movement of your digestive tract helping your body to get rid of waste more easily.

It is now available in convenient single serving sachets, so that you may carry your wheatgrass with you. All you check here need is a glass of water, mix in the sachet of wheatgrass, and you have a drink that is better tasting than fresh juiced, and has more nutrition because it has combined the roots and blades. You don't have to invest in an expensive wheatgrass juicer, or try growing your own wheatgrass (not an easy task), or go to the local "juice bar" for a $3.00 shot.

Other foods that help your colon cleanse are those that contain essential fatty acids or EFA's. Foods like fish, avocados, walnuts, flax seeds, and olive oil are high in these healthy fats.

Consuming meat in high quantities is harmful for your body and the environment. Making changes for an environmentally friendly health food diet is a surprisingly excellent way to get on the right track to health. Overall, if you aren't eating enough green products now, start doing so. You will feel better and more energized each day. You will notice a number of improvements in your health and your appearance, and you won't regret the dietary changes.

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